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Bouncing heart quickly is of the essence. Your subscriber might get tired of waiting for a GIF that loads slowly and gets stuck on the first frame. In fact, they might even close out of your email before they’ve even seen your well-crafted animation. But fast-loading, lightweight CSS animations can quickly grab your subscriber’s attention. Don’t miss out on conversions due to a slow load time! How do CSS animations grab a subscriber’s attention? Our eyes are drawn to movement, and animation in emails is no exception to this evolutionary rule.

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Check out the following CSS animation Brazil Mobile Number List from display block, a creative email agency, and tell us it doesn’t grab your attention right away: animated email banner graphic with shaking hands in the shape of a heart How do CSS animations allow email designers to spice up emails? You might not be an email designer, but it’s good to remember why CSS animations matter to other members on your team. For instance, CSS animations are a great way to spice up a boring email and inject the look and feel of your brand at a glance. Check out the CSS animation example from above.

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Not only does the bouncing heart quickly grab Buy Email List your attention, but it also adds a creative touch. Doesn’t it almost look like a handshake? What are some drawbacks of using CSS animations? While there are many benefits to using CSS animations, they’re not the perfect tool for every email situation. Some considerations and potential drawbacks to using CSS animations include: Repeating animations Delaying animations Scroll-based/scroll-triggered animation Not visible to every subscriber What do these mean? Let’s dig into each consideration below.


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Briefly compared CSS animations also eliminate the need to generate animated GIFs. If you’re not sure why this is important, read on! We’ll dive into that in the section below. What’s the difference between CSS animations and animated GIFs? While cool animated GIFs have long been a cornerstone of email design, CSS animations can step up and fill in the gaps where GIFs lag behind. Let’s look at a comparison between the two types of animation: Animated GIFs CSS Animations Easy to create through sites like Giphy Require more knowledge to create and troubleshoot Slow loading speed.

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Lightweight and loads fast Good support across Hong Kong Mobile Number List major email clients Limited client support Tend to lag and lack the smooth look of CSS animations as the images go frame by frame Look very good on high-quality mobile devices Image-based Code-based As you can see, both GIFs and CSS animations have their pros and cons. This guide focuses on CSS animations, but you can check out this article to learn more about using GIFs in emails. Below, we’ll unpack some of the pros and cons about CSS animations listed above and show you how to harness their power.

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What are some pros of using CSS Buy Email List animations in emails? We briefly compared CSS animations and GIFs above, but let’s dive into the benefits in more detail: CSS animations are great for emails because they: Load fast Grab your subscriber’s attention Allow you to inject some creativity into your email Let’s unpack each of these below. Why do CSS animations load faster than GIFs? CSS animations are relatively lightweight and small in terms of file size compared to GIFs. That means that CSS animations will load faster than GIFs. As any email marketer will tell you, subscribers don’t have a long attention span.


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Cascading Style Sheets EMAIL ON ACID IMPROVE YOUR EMAIL WORKFLOW Whether you’re a small marketing team or a large communications department, Email on Acid can help improve your email workflow. Send your email straight from your ESP right to our platform and preview your design in over 100 email clients and popular devices. Plus, our sharing and mark-up tools allow you to collaborate with team members and stakeholders easily. Try us free for seven days and see for yourself! How to Use CSS Animations in HTML Email Design 2 Your team wants the next email campaign you code to stand out from the crowd, and they’ve asked you for an upgrade on simple static images.

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Now it’s your move on how to implement Lebanon Mobile Number List animated emails. After all, you can choose from so many different options, like animated GIFs or CSS animations. We’ve talked about using GIF animations in email marketing campaigns elsewhere, so we’ll focus on CSS animations in this article. Let’s start from the basics, like pros and cons, support, and some CSS animation examples in emails. Then we’ll wrap up with some code tutorials. What are CSS animations? You can use CSS animations to create various animations – from spinning icons to subtle hover animations on a Call to Action (CTA) button.

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What exactly are CSS animations? CSS animations Buy Email List refer to the animation property of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). This animation property allows us to animate individual HTML elements like img, span, and div by using only the CSS and HTML that’s already part of an HTML email template. In other words, CSS animations eliminate the need to use an external scripting language such as JavaScript or Flash, which are not supported in email. For email developers, that means we can use it as an enhancement for email clients that support CSS.

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Being an email developer content and MJM. Another technique that experienced email developers use regularly is overlapping elements in a design. For example, you may want live text overlayed on top of a graphic. That way, the email is accessible for screen reader usage, and crucial copy will show up even if the recipient has images turned off. To make this happen in MJML, the <mj-raw> tag once again comes to the rescue. Nicole used some advanced styles, which email super-geeks Mark Robbins, Steven Sayo, and Rémi Parmentier shared with the community. You can learn more about those methods for overlay and absolute positioning from Steven Sayo on Medium and from a post on Good Email Code by Mark Robbins.

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Once you’ve figured out how to use those code snippets to Singapore Mobile Number List achieve. The kind of overlapping you want, it’s as simple as placing it into either an style> or <mj-raw> tag. Nicole told me she chose to use  with a regular  tag for organizational purposes because she wanted to keep it as its own separate string. Let the experimentation begin Now that you’ve been introduced to the basics of this email framework and some advanced MJML coding techniques, it’s time to start playing around. Nicole mentioned a few times that she did have to experiment with things a bit to get all of this to work.

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If you ask me, that’s part of the fun of being Buy Email List an email developer. And here’s some good news… Nicole says that the MJML Community on Slack is super friendly and helpful. So, as you start trying out advanced MJML techniques and hit roadblocks, head over there to ask questions and make connections. Speaking of connecting… we’re just getting started with Notes from the Dev: Video Edition. There are more great tips, tricks, and tutorials coming your way soon. Make sure you subscribe on YouTube so you aren’t left out.


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Many times, you’ll want an image that’s one size for desktop viewing and a different size that’s optimize for mobile devices. By the way, Nicole takes a “mobile first” approach to email development. For image swapping, that means she ends up doing something that may appear to be counterintuitive. In the first grouping of styles, she includes anything that may need to be applie inline to the tag. Nicole does this because GANGA (Gmail App with Non-Google Accounts) doesn’t support media queries, which are use for targeting different screen sizes.

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So, by applying the following code, she can tell email clients to China Mobile Number Database show a certain image on desktop but not mobile: <mj-style inline=”inline”> .show { display: none; } .hide { mso-hide: all !important;  Nicole also applies those classes to the media query as you’d expect. However, by adding !important; to the end (see below) it overrides anything in the desktop view. media only screen and (min-width:480px) { .show { display: block !important; } .hide { display: none !important; mso-hide: all !important; } } Finally, here’s a look at.

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MJML code in the body of Nicole’s email in which she includes Buy Email List both a 600 x 400 placeholder image for desktop and a 320 x 400 placeholder image for mobile devices while applying the appropriate classes: When Nicole switches over to the parsed HTML, we see that the inline class is display: none. But because she use display: block along with !important; that overrides the inline setting. Also, notice that Nicole uses the  tag above to add conditional statements in the MJML that hide mobile content from Outlook’s desktop clients for Windows.


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Content  name “supported-color-schemes” content  Below the standard CSS styling in Nicole’s boilerplate for this email layout is where she continues adding and defining dark mode styles, using a root selector and the media query (prefers-color-scheme: dark). <mj-style> :root { color-scheme: light dark; supported-color-schemes: light dark; media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) dark mode styles here. Inside of the tag above, Nicole includes dark mode CSS classes and tells email clients to hide light mode images. Nicole says it’s important to know how to specify CSS selectors when coding with MJML.

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That’s what allows the email to switch to dark mode India Mobile Number Database preferences (background color, text color, etc.) within an <mj-section> based on what you defined in the styles inside the head section. That’s why, for example, Nicole used a right-angled bracket in her dark mode styles when defining the background color for tables in dark mode. .dark-mode-bg>table { background: #1E1E1F; background-image: linear-gradient (#fec800, #fec800) !important; } Later, in an <mj-section>, you’d include the CSS class for the dark mode background.

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When this gets parsed to HTML, the class goes into a <div>, but the colors actually get applied to the first <td> so that it appears in the cells of the table. That’s why Nicole targeted table in her dark Buy Email List mode styles. Otherwise, it wouldn’t override the backgrounds on her tables, which means they would still show a light mode background. Watching the way other developers work is amazing! Nicole had me rethinking the way I target dark mode. But we’ll have to save all that for another episode. Image swapping and MJML Another question people have about more advanced MJML involves image swapping.


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Visit our Resource Center to view the full transcription of this episode. Introducing the <mj-raw> tag When it comes to advance MJML techniques and traditional HTML email development. There is a way you can get the best of both worlds. I’ll cut to the chase here. The <mj-raw> tag is what you’ll need when you have to “break out of the box” of MJM. Ss Nicole put it. Basically, whenever she wants to code something for which there’s no simple solution with MJML markup. Nicole uses <mj-raw> to include raw, responsive HTML

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In the first installment of our Malaysia Mobile Number Database exploration into MJML, you’ll recall how Nicole explaine that components like text, buttons, and tables always get enclose in <mj-section> and <mj-column> tags. The use of  is an exception. It is an ending tag that won’t include any MJML components. Instead, you use it to code the same way you would in a normal HTML file. “There are a lot of things that MJML can do all by itself. But if you have the need to do something that would be a little more cumbersome to try and do within the MJML itself, you can certainly bust out and just wrap things in .

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That’s what it was developed for.” Nicole Hickman. Direct Buy Email List Marketing Developer, Fishawack Health To put it another way, you’re not completely tied to the MJML framework when you use it to develop responsive emails. Dark mode and MJML When Nicole show us how she creates emails with dark and light versions, she explained that a lot of it takes place up in the <mj-head> section. If you’ve seen any tutorials on how to code dark mode emails, you’ll recognize the meta tags that are use to let email clients know that your code offers both light and dark mode versions:”color-scheme.


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So the effect of media query doesn’t work  thanks a lot !  david says: August 16, 2012 at 1:09 am this is not working on Gmail and for mobile Android and Iphone JP says: August 29, 2012 at 3:10 pm Sorry .. but if i understand good, it does not work on gmail. It does not work on android device. It does not work on iPhone. So where it works ? AJ says: December 24, 2012 at 12:42 am For a desktop version of the email, I have a 2 column layout in the main content region. If I have a paragraph in the left column and an image in the right column, would I be able to move the image under the paragraph (column 1) if the max width is 480px? I know this is easy to do if you have a div-based layout but in email, that is not supported.

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We have to code using tables for the Indonesia Mobile Number Database email layout. Thoughts? Notes from the Dev: Advanced MJML Coding Techniques 2 It’s time for the exciting conclusion of our journey into one of the most popular email frameworks available: MJML (Mailjet Markup Language). Okay, so it wasn’t a huge cliffhanger or anything. But we are definitely excited to share the second half of this interview with you. When we last left Nicole Hickman, she just finished showing us the basics of how to use MJML to quickly and efficiently code responsive HTML emails.

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This time, we’re diving a little deeper to Buy Email List discover advanced MJML techniques. I asked Nicole some of the most common questions that I’ve noticed email geeks wondering about the MJML framework. That includes dark mode, image swapping, and overlapping content in emails. Part of the beauty of MJML is its simplicity, as we saw in Part 1 of this interview. But what happens when you need to take things a little further that the framework allows? Check out Nicole’s tips in the video below. And don’t forget to subscribe to Email on Acid by Sinch on YouTube to catch new episodes of Notes from the Dev: Video Edition.


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If your development team is on board, you should consider using fluid hybrid methods to develop responsive layouts. Check out our primer on fluid hybrid design. For a more in-depth look at fluid hybrid design, look at industry leader Nicole Merlin’s future-proof fluid hybrid tutorial. Wrapping up And that’s all there is to coding a responsive HTML email layout! You now know the basics of creating a responsive email layout using media queries and where to go to find a great fluid hybrid design tutorial.

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As the final step in any email development Pakistan Mobile Number Database process. Don’t forget to test if your design actually works! Head over to Email on Acid to take advantage of our Campaign Precheck tool to ensure your emails display as you intend for all your users every time. This article was updat on July 25, 2022. It first publishe in July of 2011. AUTHOR: THE EMAIL ON ACID TEAM The Email on Acid content team is made up of digital marketers, content creators, and straight-up email geeks. Connect with us on LinkedIn, follow us on Facebook, and tweet at  Emailon Acid on Twitter for more sweet stuff and great convos on email marketing.

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Thoughts on “How to Develop a Buy Email List Responsive HTML Email in 3 Steps” buy anabolics steroids online says: January 19, 2012 at 6:30 am Good day! This post couldn’t be written any better! Reading this post reminds me of my good old room mate! He always kept chatting about this. I will forward this write-up to him. Fairly certain he will have a good read. Many thanks for sharing it on ! novius says: March 29, 2012 at 9:21 pm Very good article !.. But there are a solution for Gmail application ? Because it doesn’t support css in <style> balise (perhaps inline style work.


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Device viewport dimensions 768px x 1024px – portrait, 1024px x 768px – landscape */ img { width: 100%; } } </style> Note that we’ve added some comments in the code snippet above. Be sure to remove the comments before testing or sending your email to avoid getting blocked by spam filters. 2. Add “bells and whistles” to your media queries to optimize layouts. It’s time to add “bells and whistles” to your media queries to optimize your layout for mobile devices. In other words, you can resize images and text.

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To be more specific, let’s say you’re using Japan Mobile Number Database an image at full size for desktop clients; just resize that same image for mobile devices using CSS within your media query. 3. Adjust how columns display across different devices. While this is by no means necessary, if you want to get really crazy, there’s one more option to optimize your HTML email layout. Let’s say you have a three-column layout and want it to appear as two columns on an iPad and one column on an Android phone or iPhone. To do this, you could show and hide container divs depending on the device.

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Here’s a working example: only screen Buy Email List and !importan !important  This is a Standard Desktop Client Remember, there are a few downsides to this approach. First, you might have to duplicate some content. Secondly, even though you’re hiding two divs in this example, the email client will have to load all your HTML and assets. Consider reusing all of your images in each instance to control the overall file size of your email. How can I code a responsive HTML email with fluid hybrid design? But wait, didn’t we already say that queries don’t work for some major email clients? That’s right.


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This technique creates emails that look great on almost any device and in nearly every email client. How can I code a responsive HTML email with media queries? Now that you’ve learned the basics, let’s dive into coding responsive HTML email templates previewed above. You’ll do this with the following steps: Set up your media queries to detect your user. Optimize your layout with media queries. Adjust how columns display across different devices. Before you start Before starting, check out our quick refresher on coding emails if you’re a bit rusty.

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For this tutorial, you’ll need a philippines Mobile Number Database working knowledge of HTML and CSS. 1. Set up your media queries to detect your user. First, we need to set up your media queries to detect the user’s device. You can do this in the <style> section of the header in your HTML document. This is also known as embedding your stylesheet in the header. We’ve discussed inline CSS elsewhere if you need a refresher, but inline CSS is the preferred method for media queries. With inline CSS, you can adjust screen size accordingly.

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Check out the following code  media only screen Buy Email List and (max-device-width Here you can include rules for the Android and iPhone native email clients. Device viewport dimensions are as follows Iphone – 320px X 480px – portrait, 480px X 320px – landscape Android – 350px X 480px – portrait, 480px X 350px – landscape (These are average dimensions, the Android OS runs on several different devices media only screen and (min-device-width768px) and (max-device- Here you can include rules for the iPad native email client.


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Most notably, the Gmail app for Android and iOS supports media queries for Gmail accounts, but when usedto read emails from another service (like Yahoo or an IMAP account), media queries aren’t support. The Yahoo app for Android is another client that throws out your media queries unless you can implement a hack where you include the entire head of your document twice, but your sending platform can strip this out. These scenarios, along with the fact that Outlook for Windows only supports a subset of the CSS2.1 specification, means building responsive emails that render perfectly everywhere is tricky.

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The good news is that you can design and build a simple email that will look excellent in every mail app, including those that don’t support media queries, by using the fluid hybrid email coding method. Why is the fluid hybrid method a great way to create responsive emails? Fluid hybrid design, also known as “spongy” design, is a development method in which the responsiveness of the email is bake into the layout itself without needing media queries. It consists of three components: Fluid: You should format content using percentages of max-widths or widths to create flexibility within your HTML email templates.


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This makes your design “fluid.” Hybrid: The resulting Buy Email List template is “hybrid” because you combine fluid percentages with fixed pixel widths (or max-widths) to control the size of your elements depending on the available space. Ghost Tables: Lastly, you combine these fluid and hybrid components with Ghost Tables – table markup hidden inside conditional comments that will only render on Microsoft Outlook on a Windows device. Fluid hybrid design is on its way to replacing media query-based design as the go-to framework for responsive emails.