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Content  name “supported-color-schemes” content  Below the standard CSS styling in Nicole’s boilerplate for this email layout is where she continues adding and defining dark mode styles, using a root selector and the media query (prefers-color-scheme: dark). <mj-style> :root { color-scheme: light dark; supported-color-schemes: light dark; media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) dark mode styles here. Inside of the tag above, Nicole includes dark mode CSS classes and tells email clients to hide light mode images. Nicole says it’s important to know how to specify CSS selectors when coding with MJML.

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That’s what allows the email to switch to dark mode India Mobile Number Database preferences (background color, text color, etc.) within an <mj-section> based on what you defined in the styles inside the head section. That’s why, for example, Nicole used a right-angled bracket in her dark mode styles when defining the background color for tables in dark mode. .dark-mode-bg>table { background: #1E1E1F; background-image: linear-gradient (#fec800, #fec800) !important; } Later, in an <mj-section>, you’d include the CSS class for the dark mode background.

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When this gets parsed to HTML, the class goes into a <div>, but the colors actually get applied to the first <td> so that it appears in the cells of the table. That’s why Nicole targeted table in her dark Buy Email List mode styles. Otherwise, it wouldn’t override the backgrounds on her tables, which means they would still show a light mode background. Watching the way other developers work is amazing! Nicole had me rethinking the way I target dark mode. But we’ll have to save all that for another episode. Image swapping and MJML Another question people have about more advanced MJML involves image swapping.


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