Trinity Mouzon Wellness Brand Founder

In 2019, mobile opens accounted for 42% of all email opens. Think about that: unless you use responsive designs, at least 42% of your readers won’t be able to see your message correctly. Let’s dive into the how-to of responsive email development in this article. We’ll go over the best way to make your HTML email template responsive, introduce the fluid hybrid method, and provide a quick tutorial on responsive email design with media queries. If you’re not ready to dive into the code, check out our free responsive HTML templates or explore our comprehensive list of free templates on the web.

Provide your contact information

Alternatively, if you just want to dip your toes into Turkey Mobile Number Database code, check out the low-code solution to email development: the MJML markup language. What are responsive HTML emails (and why do I need them)? A responsive HTML email is exactly as it sounds – it responds to differences in your reader’s screen capabilities and screen size regardless of the email client they use to view your email. Remember: “Mobile-responsive” isn’t the same as “mobile-friendly.” In fact, responsiveness goes beyond “mobile-friendly” to bring an optimized, accessible experience to your users, regardless of how and where they view your message.

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Show them your personality

What’s the best way to make an email Buy Email List template responsive? Making an HTML email responsive is a little different from responsive web design. The level of support for HTML and CSS standards varies widely across email services and apps. So while we can rely on things like media queries, flexbox, grid, and JavaScript on the web, they aren’t always supported in HTML email (plus, you can’t use JavaScript in email because it poses a security risk). Some email apps don’t support CSS media queries, so we must think carefully about how we build responsive email templates.


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In these cases, you might consider using a lightweight HTML email template that looks almost like a plain-text email. You can focus your image-use on the basics: Your logo: Show off that the given email belongs to your brand. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your company name. Images of your products or services: Could you imagine a pure text email from Bestbuy? Most people expect to receive image-heavy, visually appealing, stylish emails with nice pictures from businesses. Social media icons: Promote your other online communication channels to your email subscribers.

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Before you start designing your first email template, check Iran Mobile Number Database out the kind of emails that your competitors send to help yours stand out from the crowd and find your own voice to be successful in the fierce competition today. 10. Should I A/B test my emails? Yes. Take advantage of the data you get from your email campaigns to create better email designs for future campaigns. Use A/B testing to try out different designs amongst subsets of your subscribers and see which one works better. Take this into consideration and iterate on it for future email campaigns.

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Chris Burkard Freelance Photographer

Wrapping up With these 10 tips and Buy Email List tricks, we hope we’ve helped you avoid some major pitfalls. Not sure how your email will look? Preview how your email will appear on different email clients in seconds with Email on Acid’s testing tool. How to Develop a Responsive HTML Email in 3 Steps 6 You’ve created a great HTML email layout. At least, it looks good on your computer. But what if your email subscribers open your email marketing campaign or email newsletter on a mobile device? Chances are, if you haven’t coded your email layout in a mobile-responsive way, your message will be garbled on your subscriber’s screen.


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Plus, if a subscriber is using an email client that has images turned off, your CTA button will disappear. And that’s a pretty important element to lose. 8. How can I add personalization with email design? When you think about personalization, the first thing that comes to mind is simply using a subscriber’s name in the subject line or email copy. But you can also use email design to personalize the inbox experience. For example, if you use a segmented list for your email marketing, you can tweak your email design for those segments’ tastes and preferences.

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Dynamic content is an even more advanced way to Thailand Mobile Database personalize email design. t It features email content that changes depending on your subscriber data or their behavior. That could include their location, the time of day that they open the email, or even the weather where they live. One way to do this is by using variable mapping in your HTML email template. You can use the customer data in your databases, like names or purchase patterns, and map these onto variables in an HTML email template. If that sounds a little too technical for you, no worries.

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Mark Levy Branding Firm Founder

There are some great solutions that can Buy Email List help with adding dynamic content to emails. They include NiftyImages, Movable Ink, and Zembula. 9. Do I even need to send fancy HTML emails at all? There are some use cases when minimalistic, plaintext emails work better than design-heavy ones. For example, B2B (cold) emails and transactional emails are often mostly simplistic in their design. If your email is text-heavy and you truly want to focus on the power of words, it’s quite likely that you don’t need a very fancy email design at all.


Chris Burkard: Freelance Photographer

Try to avoid background image use and create designs where text and images are well separated. Instead, you can create a bulletproof background by using CSS and HTML to replicate the look of a background image. In addition to using a bulletproof background, always make sure that you have a failover background color so that your email messages will display even if your background doesn’t. Bulletproof background example Bulletproof background Bulletproof background with images blocked Blue fallback background color with images turned off 5.

Trinity Mouzon Wellness Brand Founder

Why should I make my emails Iran Mobile Number List responsive? As of 2019, 60% of all email opens were on mobile devices. Responsive email design, or the practice of making emails optimized for different screen sizes, is an important part of email UX. Reach your target audience by making sure your subscribers can read your messages on any device. Not sure where to start? Check out our responsive HTML email design tutorial. 6. Should I use emojis? To emoji or not to emoji – that is the question! We don’t have a firm line on this one. After all, emoji support differs dramatically across different clients. Instead, we can suggest that you look into whether there is broad emoji support across your subscriber base and follow our best practices for using emojis.

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Alberto Perez Co-Founder of Zumba Fitness

What’s the best way to add a CTA button? We Buy Email List recommend using a bulletproof button to add a Call-to-Action (CTA) or other clickable buttons. Like bulletproof backgrounds, bulletproof buttons rely on CSS and HTML to render buttons. This makes these buttons much more reliable across different email clients than an image-based button. Image-based buttons can make your click-through rates and ROI suffer. After all, you can’t have conversions if your subscribers can’t click on your button because of an email client rendering issue.


Use humor or a personal story to add flavor

Yahoo mail inbox screenshot with three columns You can see that the right side of the email is cut off on the most common 1366×768 px resolution. The email would be cut off in Outlook even if the viewing screen size is the same. Based on our tests, the maximum email width that can fit onto the screen in Outlook and Yahoo is roughly 650 px. So, if a significant number of your subscribers use these email clients, we recommend that you stay below 650 px or simply use the most common 600 px width. 2. Should I use videos in emails? Most email clients don’t support embedded video in emails – only some email clients, such as Apple Mail or iOS, support embedded HTML5 video.

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Instead of using videos, we suggest using Afghanistan Mobile Number List animated GIFs. With animated GIFs, you can almost achieve the same effect as a video. They work in most email clients but won’t play in Outlook 2007-2013. There, the GIF will only show up as the first frame of the animation. Check out some creative animated GIF examples that we like. starbucks cups animated toast 3. Can I use any font I want? Email designers and marketers probably ask you for special fonts all the time. We don’t blame them: web-safe fonts like Arial or Times New Roman are pretty boring. However, font support beyond these “web-safe fonts” is not standardized across email clients.

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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Author

One solution is to use web fonts that are hosted on a Buy Email List server, like Google fonts. You can use these web fonts with the .With some email clients, you can also use the <link> method. Learn more about using web fonts and how to use font stacks to build in backup options in case your chosen font fails. 4. Should I use background images? Some email clients, particularly the desktop versions of Outlook, will automatically disable images in your email campaigns. That could be especially problematic for background images. For example, if you use light text on a dark background image, the email copy could be unreadable if the background image doesn’t load (leaving a blank/white background).


Briefly tell your readers who you are outside

Find out more about the EMC’s plans for standardization. 10 questions about email design best practices Okay, email standardization is a pain at the moment, and it’s hard to code a one-size-fits-all HTML email solution. That said, here are 10 common questions and the best practices we recommend for email design: What’s the right pixel (px) width for emails? Should I use videos in emails?? Can I use any font I want?? Should I use background images? Why should I create responsive email designs? Should I use emojis? What’s the best way to use a CTA button? How can I add personalization to my email? Do I even need to send fancy HTML emails.

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Should I A/B test my emails? Let’s go over each of Saudi Arabia Mobile Database these below. 1. What’s the best size for emails? If you’ve been around email for any amount of time, you’ve probably heard about the 600 px email width. Now, is that myth or reality? This one is tricky: it’s a bit of both. Due to smaller screen sizes back in the early days of HTML emails, 600 px became the most common email width. Screen resolution chart Image source: But do you still need to use 600 px email width these days? Although screen sizes have increased a lot since then, a couple of email clients, like Yahoo Mail and Outlook, might have problems with wide emails. Most Microsoft Outlook users use the 3-column view.

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Side hustles you’re working on

This covers most of the screen by the first Buy Email List two columns, and less than 50% of the screen remains for email viewing. three column outlook inbox screenshot In Yahoo Mail, users use a similar 3-column view too. On top of that, they have displayed banner ads on the right side of the screen, which takes up extra space. We conducted a series of email rendering tests to determine how different email widths behave in Yahoo and Outlook. Let’s take a look below at an email template with a 750 px width from in Yahoo Mail.


State your current position and what you do

Wrapping up If you’re stuck not knowing where or when to start cleaning your mailing list, we hope this article gives you some guidance on where to start and what solution is best for you. Check out InboxReady by Sinch to learn more about how email verification can help and discover other industry-leading email deliverability solutions. Make email list cleaning a priority. Many people have changed jobs, and companies closed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data hygiene is one of 10 action items Email on Acid recommends in the special report, Email Marketing and the Next Normal.

Include at least one professional accomplishment

Email design is a unique practice. For one thing, there are some Nepal Mobile Database major differences between web and email development. But there are many other factors that email developers and designers need to consider when creating eye-catching and effective campaigns. In this article, we’re going to cover some standard advice and best practices for email design. We’ll also answer the most common questions about email layout and explain why some things work and others don’t. But first, allow us to set things up with a short history lesson… A brief history of email history of email clients Before we dive into email design best practices for developers, let’s roll back to the dark ages of email history.

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Describe your values and how they inform

Email was born in the very early days of the Buy Email List internet. Industry players were in a big rush to capture as many email users as possible, with little interest in cooperating to build compatible or standardized email clients and rendering engines. That’s why email coding is still one of the trickiest things you can do with Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). The email clients we use today have very different email rendering engines from one another, and standardization is very slow. Thankfully, a new group called the Email Markup Consortium is looking to change that once and for all.


Create an ‘About’ page for your website

Check out the following best practices to maintain a clean email list at all times: Use double opt-ins: Always make sure your subscribers are actually human beings opting into your mailing list by using double opt-ins. This also helps limit the number of human error typos in your mailing list. Provide an “opt down” option: Instead of just providing an opt-out option, provide an “opt down” so your subscribers can choose to stay engaged – just not as engaged as before. In other words, this means your user can choose to receive fewer communications from you – say once a month instead of once a week.

Begin writing your bio with your first

Or, they can choose to keep receiving your Taiwan Mobile Database quarterly email newsletters but not every single promotion or new product announcement. This keeps your subscribers happy and also helps email marketers to segment their mailing list to send appropriate email campaigns. Send a re-engagement email campaign: Subscribers falling into radio silence? Try sending a re-engagement email campaign to invite them to engage once more. You can use this as an opportunity to prune your mailing list based on your subscribers’ responses.

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Mention any associated brand name you might use

Use marketing automation: Marketing automation is a Buy Email List great way to scrub your email list and purge invalid, disengaged, or outdated email addresses. Simply set up rules to automatically segment or remove customers who haven’t engaged for a set time limit or whose addresses have bounced twice or more. This is a great way to reduce email bounces and improve your sender reputation. Grow an organic list: As we mentioned above, never purchase a list. Growing a list organically might take time, but it will pay off in the long run as you maintain a higher customer engagement rate and retain your conversions.


Describe your values and how they inform your career

Implementing real-time verification in your web forms is just another small way to help protect your forms from fraudulent addresses daily. How can I scrub my email list? Now that we’ve gone over the basics of mailing list hygiene, let’s walk through a step-by-step process to clean your mailing list. Run an email list verification to separate valid addresses from invalid addresses. Clean up duplicate email addresses. Identify disengaged subscribers. This can be based on the amount of time they’ve been inactive or based on multiple hard bounces.

Briefly tell your readers who you are outside

Try to re-engage inactive subscribers. Based on Kazakhstan Mobile Number List your findings, segment your list and remove inactive subscribers. What are the best email list cleaning services? Not quite ready to tackle email list hygiene on your own? At Email on Acid, we provide an email verification service, but we also recommend that you take a look at these list-cleaning tools: Webbula is a comprehensive email hygiene service that provides list verification and list-scrubbing services. InboxReady by Sinch provides email verification solutions for both new contacts and your existing list of subscribers. Validate email addresses at signup or clean your list.

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Use humor or a personal story to add flavor to your professional

Employs automation features and an email Buy Email List checker to make sure the emails on your mailing list are deliverable. Xverify also removes invalid data that’s entered in its interface. QuickEmailVerification verifies contact lists imported from your ESP, computer, or via the API and provides automated list cleaning services. It also performs real-time validation of incoming emails incoming from online forms. What are some best practices to maintain mailing list hygiene? We’ve gone over why, when, how often, and how to clean your mailing list above. However, the best course of action is preemptive.


Mention any associated brand name you might

You’re running a re-engagement campaign. 1. You’re transferring data between CRMs. Having bad CRM data can negatively affect your marketing campaigns’ ROI, kill sales productivity, and waste money. According to Gartner, “Organizations lose $13.3 Million yearly on average on poor data.” 2. You’re switching ESPs. The same process goes for switching from one ESP to another: clean your data! You’ll want to separate active from inactive subscribers. This allows you to create a reactivation campaign at your current ESP.

State your current position and what you do

You’re adding or switching to a CDP. Before you gather Cambodia Mobile Number List your data with a CDP, you’ll want to ensure that you maintain updated and accurate data. Whether you’re new to your role and inheriting a bunch of data sources that need to be organized, or you’re ready to discover new segments, build models, and deliver real-time personalization, cleaning your list should be high up on your to-do list. 4. You’ve acquired new emails. Anytime you gather new email addresses, it’s crucial to make sure they are legitimate. This helps you avoid any issues down the road. 5. You’re running a re-engagement campaign.

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Include at least one professional accomplishment

Before you start sending out your “we miss Buy Email List you” emails to your inactive email subscribers, clean your list to help you weed out spam traps and other threats. How often should I clean my lists? In a perfect world, your email lists should always be in tip-top shape, but we all know it’s not that easy. We recommend cleaning your lists every quarter. Like spring cleaning, changing your clothes depending on the season, or cleaning up the leaves before the winter months, you should remember to clean your lists regularly and often.


Show the reader why they should trust

The best way to answer these questions is to clean your list and determine what is good and bad before you send. 6. You’ve purchased an email list. You should never buy an email list. In email marketing, quality always comes before quantity. It’s best to build your list organically, but if you have been guilty of purchasing lists or inherited one, cleaning is necessary. The truth is you have no idea what type of emails are on those lists that could potentially ruin your deliverability and sender reputation and permanently block you from sending. 7. You want to avoid spam traps.

Create an ‘About’ page for your website or profile

One important reason you need to clean your Jordan Mobile Number List mailing lists is to identify spam traps. As we mentioned above, they aren’t easy to see because these traps open and click like real email addresses. Email validation alone isn’t enough to truly clean your mailing lists. After all, email verification will tell you if your emails are valid or invalid. Verification alone can’t tell you if your mailing list has bots or spam traps. 8. You want to avoid landing on an email blocklist. If a major blocklist sees spam being sent from your IP or domain, your emails can be blocked, and you could be delisted.

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Begin writing your bio with your first

The delisting process takes a few days or Buy Email List weeks, but your IP or domain will continue to be blocked until that process has been resolved. It’s a whole task you should avoid. When should I clean my email lists? Okay, so now you know why you should clean your mailing list. But when should you do it? Here are some guidelines for when you should clean your email list: You’re transferring data between Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools. You’re switching email service providers (ESPs). You’re adding or switching to a customer data platform (CDP). You’ve acquired new emails.


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To ensure that you’re only getting real leads or subscribers through your web forms rather than bots, spam traps, or typos, you need to put a real-time email cleansing API into place. This will not only help decrease the fraudulent or inaccurate data attacking your forms, but it will also protect your deliverability and sender reputation. Most importantly, cleaning your mailing list will improve your campaign ROI and create a better customer experience. 3. You’ve receive spam complaints. Uh-oh! This can be a nasty one. One reason why you should clear your lists is to avoid spam complaints.

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If your audience doesn’t like your emails and Azerbaijan Mobile Number List doesn’t see an obvious unsubscribe button. They might report you as spam. This, in turn, leads inbox service providers (ISPs) to think of your emails as spam and to place them in your subscribers’ spam folders instead of their inboxes. Keep your mailing list up to date to drop disenchanted subscribers who might view your messages as spam. Fewer spam complaints mean fewer deliverability issues. 4. You want to improve your email deliverability and sender reputation. A disengage list results in poor email deliverability and a failing sender reputation.

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Write from the perspective of someone

Basically, there’s a whole host of issues and Buy Email List headaches if you do not keep up with your email list scrubbing. Management Service Providers (MSPs) like Gmail can punish you for poor list hygiene if you send irrelevant content to your users who haven’t opted in or aren’t engaged. 5. You’ve inherited a list in your new role. We’ve all been there once or twice. You’ve entered a new job, and you’re left with an email list you don’t know much about. There are so many questions that you may not have the answers to, like “how did these emails come to the list?” “Are they purchased?” “When was the last time the list was cleaned?” “Is this a bulk email list with disengaged subscribers.