Many times, you’ll want an image that’s one size for desktop viewing and a different size that’s optimize for mobile devices. By the way, Nicole takes a “mobile first” approach to email development. For image swapping, that means she ends up doing something that may appear to be counterintuitive. In the first grouping of styles, she includes anything that may need to be applie inline to the tag. Nicole does this because GANGA (Gmail App with Non-Google Accounts) doesn’t support media queries, which are use for targeting different screen sizes.

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So, by applying the following code, she can tell email clients to China Mobile Number Database show a certain image on desktop but not mobile: <mj-style inline=”inline”> .show { display: none; } .hide { mso-hide: all !important;  Nicole also applies those classes to the media query as you’d expect. However, by adding !important; to the end (see below) it overrides anything in the desktop view. media only screen and (min-width:480px) { .show { display: block !important; } .hide { display: none !important; mso-hide: all !important; } } Finally, here’s a look at.

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MJML code in the body of Nicole’s email in which she includes Buy Email List both a 600 x 400 placeholder image for desktop and a 320 x 400 placeholder image for mobile devices while applying the appropriate classes: When Nicole switches over to the parsed HTML, we see that the inline class is display: none. But because she use display: block along with !important; that overrides the inline setting. Also, notice that Nicole uses the  tag above to add conditional statements in the MJML that hide mobile content from Outlook’s desktop clients for Windows.