Reward your most loyal customers

Depending on your budget (zero or just string?). Can be as simple as soliciting your local newspaper. 4. Reward your loyal (and non-loyal) customers rewards programs aren.T just for the grocery store. Today. You can leverage your email list to build a customer rewards/loyalty program for past and current customers. Either as a frequent purchase reward for loyal customers (if your business lends itself to this model). As part of a customer referral program. Or as some other incentive. 5. Embrace the power of joint collaboration oh.

Asking for praise may be the last thing

The power of joint venture! Whether you.Re joining Africa Email List forces with your next-door neighbor or collaborating with a global industry partner. Consider teaming up to create creative collateral marketing content (a webinar. For example). A large package. Or a joint event. Or another delivery. 6. Ask for endorsements (yes. Seriously!) I know many of our readers are introverts. Asking for praise may be the last thing you want to do but. Fortunately. The internet is here for you. Whether you.Re a freelancer asking for endorsements via linkin or allowing reviews on your facebook page or another social mia platform.

This might not work

africa email list

Client testimonials are a totally free   Buy Email List  way to demonstrate your value. 7. Give away your product or service wait. This doesn.T sound free now. Does it? And. Okay. If you.Re selling $10.000 home generators. This might not work for you. But. For most professionals. It is possible to give away a product. Or a product sample. Or a highly target. Value-pack free consultation on your product or service. If it provides real value (and not just a fake promotion). Then your potential customers will want it.

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