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I am in charge of teaching Communication 3. a course attend prominantly by third cycle students. They are very young. and there are many who stand out for their enthusiasm. responsibility and talent. The course aims to strengthen in them skills that cover a triple range: reading comprehension. writing and oral expression. I would say that. at this point. a few weeks from closing the cycle. a significant amount of progress has been made towards achieving those three objectives. What I want now is to share the result of the work develop by these enthusiastic young people in the field of writing. An activity. furthermore. that. with all my obvious limitations. I carry out with a certain ease and special gratification. One of the activities of the course is to prepare an opinion article.

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It was assum that this writing exercise would give students the opportunity to write a short text that combin argumentation and critical business lead reflection. It was not about turning them into experts (who could achieve this. by themselves or accompani. in just three weeks. which is the part of the course dicat to this work?). but about achieving an objective that in this context can be. I would say. even more interesting and productive: to achieve. to some extent. that they write a text with an adequate level of correctness and that has been methodically develop.

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Considering the preparation of a writing scheme. and structuring (to say it with Goethe). without haste but without pause. the well-known introductory. development and conclusion paragraphs: Set to the task of writing. the students form groups in order to carry out this team work. It’s true: writing a text this way is particularly complicat. But. starting from the premise that collaborative work constitutes a fundamental aspect to be Buy Email List strengthen within the framework. Of the assimilation and production of content among students. it was thought that it would be good to apply it in the development of this activity. After establishing the path they ne to follow in terms of determining the topic.

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