The “Reading is the best way to grow” contest is held annually and in this second ition expectations were exce in the call to the institutions of the city of Cajamarca. “We must consider that from UPN we seek to promote these skills to improve ucation rates in our region .” he assur. The director of the Humanities department add that the development of the contest was divid into three stages: micro and macro structural knowlge. reading comprehension at a literal level and finally the inferential level referring to the interpretation of everything that the author wants to communicate to through a text.Although writing is not an easy task. our teachers achieve surprising results after encouraging our students to undertake the rewarding game of linking words.

Fateful Demiurge by Em

A proud testimony of what can be achiev in the following lines. when students write To the hardworking. enthusiastic and cordial students of Communication 3. from the 2019-2 cycle. With all my appreciation. I have been teaching for 17 years now. My mother was a teacher. Also my father. The fact that I enjoy this work so much probably has its origin in the vocation that may have been transmitt to me through business email list the genes of my parents. Maybe. Or it could be that it began to germinate in those moments when I saw my mother preparing her classes with such enthusiasm. at home. moving before an invisible audience and gesticulating with a spirit that made me think with great pleasure of a play.

Cioran Among Your Ruins I

The fact is that being in a classroom. sharing knowlge with students. complementing the topics from my experiences on the subject (which in addition to readings. include films. anecdotes. and things like that: an exercise Buy Email List that could be link to what they call now storytelling). and guiding their work in the middle of the practical sessions constitutes an inseparable part of my life for me. And a valuable source of permanent and revitalizing learning. I assure you that in my case it is not about appealing to the simple mention of a common place. It’s the truth. In addition to Philosophy.