Move to get a guest spot on the radio

Or you will come across as disingenuous and overly self-promotional. 12. Reward your most loyal customers ok. At this point we.Ve cover the basics of offering exclusive deals to subscribers and offering discounts to your email list. But. Consider going a step further and offering ultra-exclusive discounts – think really. Really exclusive to only the smallest top percentile of your customers – discounts to loyal customers who have been with you for years. Or they have purchas a certain amount of product. Or reach any other profit-producing milestone.  Look at local or industry business awards if you have a hook or are simply very good at your job.

Then start commenting on industry blogs

Most local business networks and/or online industries  Asia email list offer a variety of recognitions. Awards and affiliations that can increase your cribility and authority. Bonus points for rewards that offer badges or other social proof that you can display on your website. Social profiles. In your email signature. And other online presence. 14. Move to get a guest spot on the radio people still love listening to the radio. And with the advent of niche internet radio. There.S a place for almost everyone. So. Start digging around to find your niche – a radio spot (or podcast) where you can spread your expertise. Help people. And get some free promotion.

Then start commenting on industry blogs

asia email list

Cheap marketing ideas for social mia   Buy Email List  use all meme hashtags go ahead. Embrace your inner meme 15. Comment. Comment and comment some more if you.Re looking for an easy. Free. Low-stress creative marketing idea to start networking in your industry. Then start commenting on industry blogs . Don.T promote yourself; simply comment. Add some valuable ideas. Or otherwise contribute to the conversation. Do this for weeks and months and people will learn who you are.

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