This water reaches the coast of Antarctica

It was invent by specialists from companies from the waste disposal sector to ucate the population. What can’t be recycl Contaminating garbage with materials that are not actually recyclable makes the sorting process more costly. In addition, filtration systems and other equipment wear out faster. In this regard, companies and environmental organizations urge that only those materials that will definitely. They do not include the following types of garbage: The researchers studi the factors that affect the rate of ice melting in Antarctica, and came to the conclusion that the main reason is the wind at sea and on land.

Be reus be thrown into recycling bins

What’s happening An international team of researchers from the Iraq Email List Universities of Cambridge, inburgh and Washington found that the rate of ice melt in western Antarctica depends on regional differences in the strength and direction of wind on the sea and land surfaces. In the western part of Antarctica, the winds mostly blow from the west. When they intensify, they raise warmer and saltier water from the depths of the ocean.  and increases the rate of ice melt. In 2003-2015, the melting rate slow down due to weaker winds. Their cause was the low pressure of the Amundsen Sea. Air circulation and the strength of the sea wind in the region depend on the pressure in this sea.

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People can influence this if they ruce greenhouse

The researchers also found that glaciers off the coast Buy Email List of the Bellingshausen Sea are melting faster due to consistently strong winds. “The destruction of the ice cover is not an inevitable process. It depends on how the climate changes over the next few decades.  gas emissions,” said study co-author Professor Eric Steig of the University of Washington in Seattle. What does it mean The ice sheet in Antarctica contains about 80-90% of all fresh water reserves on the planet. If the Antarctic ice completely melts, then the level of the World Ocean.