Competitive Analysis in Marketing

Only website metrics down the walls between the teams and figure out how to combine your efforts, and you’ll get better results. In other words, email isn’t just about selling, and content marketing isn’t just about information. Both need each other to do what they do best – engage and convert subscribers, visitors, and customers. How B2C content marketers use email So, what else did the Content Marketing Benchmarks Report have to say about how email and B2C content are being used in marketing strategies? For starters, 67% of survey respondents use email newsletters to distribute content, and 71% use email marketing software as part of their tech stack.

Identify the company’s core values

This shows that the majority of marketers Venezuela Mobile Number List know that content and email should be working together. Another 56% of B2C marketers use emails other than newsletters to distribute their content. That means marketing teams are using content more strategically than simply sending out the newest blog posts in the next email newsletter. Email is also part of the mix when it comes time to measure the success of B2C content. CMI found that, at 63%, tracking email engagement was one of the top three ways that marketers gain insight into content performance.

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Weaknesses opportunities and threats

Only website metrics (67%) and conversions (65%) surpassed Buy Email List email marketing metrics. Despite what seems to be a strong connection between email and B2C content marketing, there’s still a significant chunk of marketers who could be taking full advantage of email. CMI found that, in the last 12 months, B2C marketers were more likely to have used Facebook (88%), LinkedIn (78%), and Instagram (70%) to distribute content organically. B2B content marketers tend to rely on email a bit more often than those marketing to consumers.

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