Company Description Examples

Depending on the topics they’re discussing, this content may help you hone in on their lead-generating strategies. From there, you should move on to evaluating the quality of their content. After all, if the quality is lacking, it won’t matter how often they post since their target audience won’t find much value in it. Choose a small handful of samples to review instead of tackling every single piece to make the process more manageable. Your sampler should include content pieces covering a variety of topics so you’ll have a fairly complete picture of what your competitor shares with their target audience. When analyzing your competitor’s content, consider the following questions: How accurate is their content? Are spelling or grammar errors present? How in-depth does their content go.

Consumers use video as an integral part

Is it at the introductory level that just scratches the Romania Mobile Number List surface or does it include more advanced topics with high-level ideas What tone do they use? Is the content structured for readability. Are they using bullet points, bold headings, and numbered lists. Is their content free and available to anyone or do their readers need to opt-in? Who is writing their content? (In-house team? One person? Multiple contributors?) Is there a visible byline or bio attached to their articles? As you continue to scan the content, pay attention to the photos and imagery your competitors are using. Do you quickly scroll past generic stock photos or are you impressed by custom illustrations and images.

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Business Plan Format Successful

If they’re using stock photos, do they at least have overlays Buy Email List of text quotes or calls-to-action that are specific to their business? If their photos are custom, are they sourced from outside graphic professionals or do they appear to be done in-house? When you have a solid understanding of your competitor’s content marketing strategy, it’s time to find out if it’s truly working for them. 8. Learn what technology stack your competitors’ use. Understanding what types of technology your competitors’ use can be critical for helping your own company reduce friction and increase momentum within your organization. For instance, perhaps you’ve seen positive reviews about a competitor’s customer service.


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