Chatbots and cinema, how to retain and increase viewers

Chatbots and cinema, how to retain and increase viewers . Answer the requests of the spectators 24 hours a day without losing even a contact? You can, that’s the solution. We’ve already talk about chatbots in the . Chatbot article: what they are and why you should use them in your business. Explaining what are their features and the benefits that can bring your business. When us correctly. In this post we deepen the topic, showing you the infinite. Potential of a chatbot built on facebook messenger chat for the world. Of cinema, an industry with which we have been working. For over fifteen years and of which we know very well the dynamics.

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What is a chatbot and what are its features? New Data Chatbot-cinema_2 first, let’s make a small summary.  Especially useful if you haven’t had the opportunity to read the previous article. A chatbot is a virtual assistant capable of simulating a conversation . With a human being, design to respond to user requests . Quickly and comprehensively through a series of preset responses. In practice, he is a perfect customer service officer, always ready to answer.  People’s questions, active at any time of the day – even at night – and who does not ne the presence of a human operator to work. 

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Although it is an artificial intelligence software. Buy Email List   And not a real person, with all the limits of the case.  A chatbot can be customiz to the point of giving the impression of being a real individual.  Who gradually wins the trust of the users with whom it chats. Light your own brand. Let’s talk about it! Imageimage what are some of the most advantageous features of chatbots? Chatbot-cinema_4 chatbots are perfect for answering viewers’ most frequently . Ask questions – which often . Waste a lot of time on human operators – show upcoming movies, or send updates on show . Programming. They can be install both on your website and on your social pages – facebook, instagram, linkin, etc.

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