4 Tips for Creating An Internal Newsletter That Isn’t Boring

We might break some hearts here, but your internal newsletter is not first and foremost about how awesome your leadership team is. That Isn’t Boring Internal newsletters should focus on creating something valuable, digestible, and engaging for your employees. This doesn’t mean you can’t include high-level company goals or updates; it’s good to keep your […]

Ultimate Email Marketing Benchmarks for 2022: By Industry and Day

Warmly welcome new subscribers Start engaging subscribers at their first contact with you, when their experience is fresh. Ultimate Email Marketing and their excitement about your company is at an all-time high. Begin by sending an automated welcome email or series of emails triggered by their opt-in. The first welcome email should thank your subscriber […]

Five Ways Gen Z Differs from Millennials When it Comes to Marketing

A successful email marketing strategy depends on having a strong, clean list. Email list management encompasses a number of actions you’ll want to master in order to grow a loyal list of subscribers. From managing bounced emails to adding double opt-in signup forms and creating re-engagement campaigns, the goal is to grow your subscriber base […]