Our online marketing compact seminar

The tool refers to a large pool full of keywords. The size of this varies from provider to provider. Sistrix for example uses a pool of around keywords. Ten percent of the keywords are install as current keywords with a current time reference. The highest rankings are then usually determin from the pool. The tool then weights the collect data. This is bas on various criteria such as the search volume the specific ranking or the search intention of the user. The calculat and direct values ​​for all URLs of a domain are then add and thus result in the visibility index for the respective domain. As already mention the calculation is usually identical. The Xovi tool a competitor of Sistrix uses larger numerical values for example.

Offers a compact introduction to the online

The results can therefore differ slightly between the tools. Our suitable South Sudan Email List seminars on the topic Deepen your knowlge in our seminars. In our search engine optimization seminar you will learn how you can use the right techniques to improve your ranking positions in Google search results.   world . Find out about current dates and exact content here: Mon Online marketing compactin Cologne or onlineInform now Search Engine Optimization in Cologne or onlineInform now Legend Free places.

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The visibility index is also wonderfully suitable

The Visibility Index and the visibility of your website are in a way the Buy Email List result of your own efforts. So you can easily check how effective your measures were or are. This makes it ideal for checking these activities in detail. For example you can use the visibility index to measure the latest developments on your website. For example compare your current visibility index with the index from six twelve or months ago in this context for example to check the effects of a relaunch new updates or the like. The visibility index decreasesnoticeable you should consider optimizing your updates or the relaunch.