A good example is Mailchimp

A good example have long truste content from friends, colleagues, family and even influencers more than the content that brands put out themselves. When it comes to using our own employees as content creators, we are sometimes hesitant to give up control. That is about to change! In , employees will gain more influence through Employee Generate Content (EGC). We first zoom in on UGC. UGC is a term use to describe content create by users or fans of a company. The respective company may publish this content to use as positive coverage of the brand and products. Consumers then promote the brand or product by showing real (positive) experiences with the product.

There is inconsistency in the user

Well-known UGC campaigns include Starbucks’ and Apple’s campaign. In it, consumers were urge to share self-made photos. For example, Starbucks and Apple were photo editor advertise using content create by consumers. Give your employees influence with EGC EGC is a variant of UGC. Both use content create by ‘end users’. The big difference is that EGC is create, publishe, and remains accessible within the (figurative) walls of the company. By including EGC in your communication strategy, you can give your employees more influence. I understand that giving up the reins can be difficult and equally exciting, but trust me. EGC has many positive consequences for your organization.

Mailchimp’s pricing depends on how

For starters, employees gain more influence when an organization incorporates EGC into its communication strategy. And people want that more and more. If you look at the development of our buying behavior, you can already see this trend. People, especially in environments, have an increasing Buy Email List nee for a ‘rep-free experience’ . So they buy products without the intervention of a representative or seller and thus keep most of the control to themselves. More responsibility for employees You can now also translate this nee into internal communication. I already describe it in trend : people like to influence the way in which they take in information.

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