BIM predicts potential design

BIM predicts potential design. Sometimes , in order to gather the require number of participants. It is enough to promote a meeting on VKontakte or send an email to the existing database. But it happens that even advertising. On television or target advertising on social mica. networks are not enough to achieve the Desir effect. What to do? First, stop. At the start, before promoting, answer yourself questions. Checklist of questions and answers Organizational issues Is everything ready. The date , location , format have been determine , pricing issues have been resolve , and a promotion budget has been allocate. Target audience Who is the target audience TA of the event.

Digital product data

The format of the event and the cost of the ticket will partly help. You photo editing servies answer this question. You know who you are expecting at your event and you know who you want to attract. Benefits of the event What problems does this event solve for potential participants. You know how your event is useful. To your audience , you are sure that the audience will like it and will solve current issues and problems. Purpose Why do you ne promotion? You ne to sell tickets , attract free participants or get registrations.

Multi-channel marketing

You have a clear idea of ​​where. You are going and what should Buy Email List happen in the end. Tools Where to promote. PR and promotion tools are all known and are on the surface social networks , television , radio , magazines , outdoor advertising , mailings , newspapers , etc. Choose where your audience lives . Business go to Facebook and thematic radio , fashionistas go to Instagram and glossy magazines , housewives go to VKontakte and television. Results How will you calculate the conversion from promotion and PR? You control the traffic to the order form.

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