This format will be consider as a quick introduction

Entry requirements which in general will make MBA programs a more common way to train not only top managers, but also middle managers. Natalya Sokovabelieves that the market demand for a more democratic Mini MBA format, lasting 2-3 months, will increase.  to business ucation. The main reason for the appearance of the trend is the request for an optimal balance between the invest funds and efforts for one’s own development and the result obtain (increase in knowlge ne “here and now”). Mini MBA will allow you to quickly make an independent check of your knowlge, identify “white spots”, and upgrade only one of the specializations – for example, dive deeper into the “Finance” block.

Which brings together engineers physicists

Algae fuel or bacterial electricity? It sounds unrealistic, but this is exactly what engineers in the field of synthetic biology are working on. We tell in detail what they do and what skills they ne Estonia Email List What is a Synthetic Biology Engineer? Synthetic biology is a new direction at the intersection of several sciences, mathematicians, programmers, chemists and molecular biologists. An engineer in the field of synthetic biology works with genes, proteins and other biomolecular components: moves them between organisms, designs and creates new biological systems with desir properties, most of which have no analogues in nature. In fact, this is artificial evolution, since before the advent of synthetic biology, new structures arose only during the natural process of mutations.

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The cost of producing the drug since

The possibilities of synthetic biology are virtually limitless, from producing new materials from fungi or plant-bas energy sources to growing crops with improv photosynthesis. For example, in Buy Email List pharmaceuticals, a cure for malaria , artemisinin, was obtain in this way. They collect the necessary enzymes from different bacteria into one modifi strain and significantly ruc they no longer depend on the yield of wormwood, from which the drug was previously obtain. What does a synthetic biology engineer do.