The disease would slowly bring him closer. but – what bitterness! – without giving him the opportunity for any suspicion to arise in him about his destiny: « Isolation Is Very Unconsciousness (…) is nourishing. fortifying. making us participate in our beginnings. in our primitive integrity. and submerging us again in the beneficent chaos prior to the wound.of individuation” (Cioran. 2012. p. 65). Not only A wound that Cioran’s writing. like a scalpel digging into the rot. always kept expos. *This post is a collaboration of José Antonio Tejada Sandoval. professor at the Department of General Studies at the Universidad Privada del Norte . Learn more about issues of philosophy and society by entering our blogging platform .

What Is Inherent to It

References With an important call among schoolchildren. our Department of Humanities on the Cajamarca campus held a contest that highlights the act of reading as a form b2b leads of growth. Reading is the best way to grow. the contest that helps reading comprehension More than 25 schools took part in the second ition of the “Reading is the best way to grow” contest . organiz by our university with the aim of improving ucation rates in Cajamarca.

Inspires in Him the

b2b leads

Coordinat by our Humanities department. the first three positions were taken by fifth-year high school students from the José Gálvez Eguzquiza. San Ramón and Cristo Rey institutions. Isolation Is Very They were award a diploma and a gift as part of the contest awards. ” Not only This ucational event aims to promote the pleasure Buy Email List and habit of reading to improve the development of communication. promoting reading comprehension and the experience of values ​​in students in such a way that it helps them during their time at the university.” he indicat. Not only Joel Calua. director of the Department of Humanities.