With stealthy kindness he kidnapp him little by little from the poison realm of consciousness; Cioran left quietly and without knowing it. Inde. conscience is a scourge: this is an idea that Cioran tenaciously embrac. In a passage about the inconvenience of being born. with that sarcasm of his. which usually rudely hits the faces of the unconditional worshipers of life. launches his attacks against the premises of conscience; The annulment of the self. according to this. Cioran conceives as a victory: «It is better to be an animal than a man. an insect than an animal. a plant than an insect. and so on. The Salvation? “It is everything that diminishes the realm of consciousness and compromises its supremacy

Little Faith Perhaps Contempt

Forgetting that one exists; not noticing that his life is getting out of hand: that was. to a large extent. what happen to him. The Alzheimer’s disease that attack him after he was eighty years old kill him in this way. It is as if destiny had fulfill his expectations – at the same time that it took away from him that powerful lucidity with which he fac this world – for having b2b email list been able to approach what perhaps – who knew – are the twists and turns of the labyrinth in which he has plac us. touch wander. A wick labyrinth of barely traversable paths that. however. can perhaps be glimps by anyone – it is hardly necessary to remember the disillusion wisdom that.

That the Human Species and

Cioran discovers in drunks. beggars and prostitutes – provid – an arduous task. certainly – that one is willing to look without concealing fuss. without petty dissimulation. In The Fateful DemiurgeThat spirit also appears that aspires to emptiness as the arrival point on Buy Email List the return path through which the path that culminat in the grotesque error of existence would be retrac. Along with others of the same tenor. we find a passage in which its author proclaims the virtues of that state of complete absence. of essential muteness. of long-for remptive dissolution. that “light of pure anteriority to which. years later. in an unprecent turn.