key performance indicators, useful references to understand what to observe and why, Once the right KPIs have been defin, the ecommerce analytics work is trac, But what are the fundamental KPIs for ecommerce analytics? There are several and the good news is this: you can activate a series of tracking on Google Analytics that allow you to simplify your data collection work, Through website traffic you can extract virtuous information: Total turnover, Average order value Abandon carts Ecommerce spe Customer value over time ROAS, ADV profitability, As you can understand, e-commerce KPIs do not only concern the economic aspect but also the technical one, Such as, for example, the loading spe of the web page.

The advice in these cases is to be analytical

In reality we are still talking about monetization : every second of delay in uploading is miss conversions, Collect data across all platforms Once the key performance indicators have been identifi, we move on to the operational phase structur: it is true that having a lot of information available is useful but you shouldn’t have too much of it , The effort requir to skim is impressive when we think about big data: to do it it must be worth it, there is no point in collecting at random, Skim and eliminate what is not ne It’s superfluou s to have so much data special data  available when you don’t know what to look at and why to do it, Ecommerce analytics work must focus on the generous collection of data and the filtering power of the various tools.

The data must be collect and analyz to best

spccial data

But also and above all the ability of a web performer who deals with data analysis Work on a useful presentation Do you know Looker Studio? This is the evolution of Google Data Studio and you can find it at lookerstudio, google,com , Its goal is simple: to present the data in the best way possible, An effective ecommerce analytics culture must also be aim at virtuous presentation, tips for doing ecommerce analytics A screenshot of Looker Studio, The data must be collect and analyz to best define the reference KPIs, To achieve this result you can use the Looker Studio functions which allow you to create dynamic reports  Buy Email List to share with customer s and collaborators, Just like I do with customiz dashboards that allow you to have every detail of your project under control, Must read: how to analyze and monitor.