Selling the product while there’s nothing wrong with that, think about what else you can send to your new email subscribers. Do you have a special report they would appreciate? An excerpt from a podcast or book? A video that teaches them how to do something? A handful of blog posts that have proven to be your most popular? Don’t just ask your brand new subscriber to buy, buy, buy. And don’t just send a single welcome email. Send a series. This way, you can give more than you ask. You can serve, solve problems, and make them feel welcome. Nothing does this better than content. It’s all about balance.

Nintendo Not all fun and games

Notice how the cookware brand Made Canada Mobile Database In sandwhiched a link to content with techniques and recipes in between promotional offers and new product. That’s smart because this email welcomes newsletter subscribers, and those contacts definitely want content. Made In B2C email content with images of pots, pans, and cooking utensils Via Really Good Emails 2. Promotions with content Speaking of selling, what’s one of the best ways to do this using email? Let’s say you have a new vitamin supplement, or want to promote an existing one.

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Determine who your competitors are

One way to do this is to just send out emails Buy Email List selling the product. 20% off ought to do it, right? Except now you have to make up the losses from the coupon. Instead, you could send out a link to an article explaining how to stay healthy during cold and flu season. One of the tips would be the supplement. Later, send out a video explaining how supplements help fight off various ailments. After that, find data on the time and money a person saves when they stay healthy, and compare that to the price of the supplement. Do all that, and then send an email offering the supplement for sale.