Have passed since your website went online and there is no trace of it in the search results? In this case the mystery becomes even more intricate.? It often happens that those who took care of putting your website created with WordPress online forgot to uncheck a fundamental setting found in the backend . In the section dedicated to the reading settings of the website there is the item ” Visibility to search engines “. website does not appear on google WordPress settings.

That this checkbox is not

If you have ticked this option, you are discouraging search engines from indexing your website. Since you’ve gone online and want your customers to find you on the whatsapp mobile number list web ,  of your site. Why should the tick be present? When a site is under construction (or maintenance), the webmaster, developer or whoever is taking care of creating your website, discourages search engines from indexing a site that at that moment is rather a work in progress . ?️ There are provisional texts, page formats in test. In short, it is good practice to tick the box when the site is not yet published. But it is essential to remove it once you have decided to go online.

Your name your website does not

Whatsapp Mobile Number List

My website does not appear on Google – Case 3 Case 3: you noticed that by typing  appear on the first page of Google. But then you thought about checking out page 2 of the search results . There too no trace. So, fingers crossed, you decided to take a peek at page 3 . Your eyes Buy Email List got brighter and a tear started rolling down your face. Was your site there, buried on the third page by dozens of competitors or other useless websites.? But the good news is that your website exists! Google knows about its online presence. Those who are in the dark are your customers. Just the ones that allow you to keep the business going every month. In this case there is only one thing you can do: implement an SEO positioning strategy.

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