This is certainly We still don’t know when it will end but now is the time for companies to act . Such profound crises cause important changes in the purchasing behavior and habits of the population every company must face this problem and formulate a line of conduct to follow, anticipating the times. . What to do? Don’t give in to fear Rethinking the business plan is necessary but your market strategy should not be distort. The outlook must remain courageous in the mium term, beyond the pandemic. In the meantime , communication should be modifi, aligning itself with the widespread sentiment and trying to be helpful . The solution lies in a subtle balance, to accompany the public.

Without a strictly commercial objective

An attitude of this type will strengthen trust and brand reputation. Beware of bureaucracy Controversial, sensitive, or high-profile issues typically attract review by various executives and myriad other functions. Everyone will have web designs and development service suggestions on how to best carry out communications, leading to an overly generaliz or conservative perspective and thus triggering a slow and cumbersome process. Instead, it is crucial to assemble a small, trust team and give them enough leeway to make quick tactical decisions but provide clear guidelines. Over-managing communications can be harmful at these times.

Use the spe and rhythm

Of external events as a guideline to stimulate the internal process, rather than starting with the latter as a reference point. A “living” digital document, shar and constantly updat , can improve spe by avoiding documentation that must be approv by multiple roles and ruce the spe of publication, since it can be easily updat or modifi if necessary. Resilience Using the principles Buy Email List of resilience in the development of new business strategies is a fundamental issue today. Efficiency reigns in a stable world without surprises. But the key focus in managing unprictable dynamics and black swans like this, is resilience the ability to survive and thrive through unprictable, changing and potentially adverse events.