Even a small company can be found, stand out and succeed among the big ones when the strategy, content, Search Engine Optimization and user experience are in order. I help entrepreneurs use their pages effectively for marketing – even from the start! Information and tip How did I launch a €22,575 online course? Case Study , For making online courses / e-books | 0 Comments | Tiia Konttinen This can also be shared… like HBO’s theme songs 380 SHARES Facebook 380  topic of this post is a realistic review of online course sales and I will tell you how I launched an online course that generated 22,575 euros in sales.

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What really happens behind the scenes? How are online courses sold? Well, that’s the answer now. I have special data wanted to write this post for quite some time. I get asked a lot about selling online courses, so I want to give tips to everyone. How did I launch a €22,575 online course? As a basis for the post, I use the launch of the Blogger to Professional™ online course I did in November-December 2017. By reading this post: you will get tips for launching online courses you will get ideas on how to implement your own course launch and you’ll avoid a couple of pitfalls along the way finally, I would do differently next time. Selling online courses (and other digital products) can be nerve-wracking.

I also thought about what

 I remember the first time I sent an email to my readers and offered the opportunity to participate in the From Blogger to Professional™ online course. After that, we had to wait to see if anyone was interested in the course. Well, at that moment I didn’t want to stay and update the “cash register”, instead I shut the plane down and went for a run. It was April 2016. Also read this: Experiences with course platforms after 7 years of digital entrepreneurship That first “launch” consisted of three emails that I sent to 900+ people over the course of six days. I  BUY Email List did not plan the launch in any way, and the course was also in the planning stage at this point. I had written down in my notebook only the length of the course and the topics that I will teach during the 12 weeks.