Impact of Influencer Marketing on Perception

Advantages and disadvantages of the product %. With regard to the influencer-savvy shoppers survey n = it was also found that every sixth – to -year-old online user later consciously buys a product that was present by influencers. Influencers generally have the greatest influence on the areas of nutrition fashion beauty and technology. Diet is an age-spanning issue. The cribility of the influencers was also survey in the study.  stat that product presentations by influencers and experts on the Internet are particularly crible.

Almost a third of the online users survey

According to the users only recommendations from friends and Malta Email List acquaintances % and ratings from customers on product pages % are even more crible. Study and Strong Brands” The aim of this study by the Institute for Brand and Communication Research IMK at the EBS University of Economics and Law was to determine the influence of influencer marketing on the perception of strong weak and unknown brands. As part of this Caro Daur was select as a representative influencer Nivea as a strong brand and Rival de Loop as a weak brand. By surveying a total of people the perception of the relevant brands was determin both before and after viewing Caro Daur’s Instagram post with the product.

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The and Experience of Unknown Weak

The study found that influencer marketinghas a demonstrable effect on perceptions of both strong and weak brands. Compar to the former however the effect on weak brands is noticeably Buy Email List greater. This different effect strength results from the fact that the perception of strong brands is already solidifi and therefore consistent. This means that consumers would buy products from this strong brand anyway regardless of whether it is promot via an influencer or not. Influencer marketing on the other hand has a demonstrably stronger effect on the perception of a weak brand that consumers are not yet fully convinc of. As a result the consumers perceive accordingly influenc and solidify their attitude to the respective brand or the product.