Why is there a lot of difference in fighting power between one type of fish and another fish when hit by a fishing rod?

This is one of the questions that often plays in my mind.

In addition, there are several other questions that arise:

Why is the force against stingrays and sharks stronger and longer, compared to other fish of the same weight?
Why are there fish that live in the same habitat but one species is very energetic, while another species quickly succumbs?

Is it because of genetic factors Is it because of the way he lives

Is it related to what he eats?
All are interesting questions, however difficult to answer..
From a scientific point of view, there is no simple Database answer to the question of the ‘power’ of fish.

The Factors That Are Measured Are Aggressiveness, Swimming Speed. The Ability to Swim Longer (the Period to ‘swim’), the Tendency. To Jump and Shake the Head, Tend to Fight Hard When Approaching the Boat, and So on.

However, One Factor That Many May. Agree to Relate. To the Quality of a Fish is Its ‘attractive Power’, Especially During a Protracted Fight.

Let’s Explore the Anatomy of Fish Muscles

The Pulling Power of Fish is Closely Related to the Physiology and Biochemistry. Of Muscles, Even Fish Muscles Have Some. Interesting Characteristics.

If the fish is cut you will find that most of the muscle is white or pale


However, each type of fish has a varying amount of red Buy Email List muscle, which is often arranged along the midline and base of the fin.

These two types of muscles are quite different in terms of shape and function.

And it is the ratio of red and white muscles that differentiates the acceleration speed and
pulling power of each fish species.

White muscle lacks blood capillaries (small blood vessels).

This muscle is used for the initial acceleration when the fish hits the fishing line.