How does seo change in 2018? Seo is not dead, on the contrary, it continues to evolve just like search engines. Discover the 2018 news to improve the positioning of your website. Search engines are constantly evolving in an attempt to give users.  Accurate immiate results and relevant to their searches. And so, if you want your website to continue receiving traffic from search engines.  And stays in first place on google. You ne to update your web marketing strategy by following the latest seo trends in 2018. Ready to find out? Let’s go. Voice search and featur snippet one of the biggest news.  This year is the increase in voice searches from mobile devices. 

Voice search and featured snippet

At the moment the voice searches are 20% of the total and. Latest Database Think a little, the numbers are destin to double: it is estimat that by 2020 they will be even 50% of the total. Perhaps due to the haste or the convenience of not having to type.  More and more people prefer to speak and ask their smartphones for the information. They are looking for. The trend was also strongly influenc by the arrival on the market.  Of amazon’s virtual assistants – which introduc alexa and the amazon echo  . Smart speaker – and google, with assistant and google home. The search for keywords evolves: it goes from short keywords . – for example “real-bas web agency” – to longer and more colloquial terms

Search for images and videos

 It therefore becomes essential to optimize your website . Buy Email List  For these keywords, using a simple and discursive lexicon. Which answers without many frills to users’ questions, perhaps by inserting a faq page.  On the site or by writing content that responds in depth to search queries. At this point we have to talk to you about the featur snippet, or the zero result. How many times have you done a search and notic in the highest part of the results a highlight box.  Containing the direct response to your search? That’s the zero result, a box that ranks at the top .  Just below paid ads – and that returns a short excerpt of a web page or a link with the exact answer to your search. F