Hecklist is for B2B brands that sell a high-end How to Improve service. If you meet these two criteria this is for you: You offer premium service to other businesses You sell to companies not consumers. You’re B2B. And your services aren’t cheap. Yours is a premium service. You are not the lowest price in the market. There are multiple decision-makers Your buyers are making a “high consideration” decision. There are several people involv in the sales process and it can take weeks to decide on a provider. The B2B marketing website is critical in

Driving demand

Through clarity and trust through content and design. We invite you to review the service pages on your website b2b email list against this checklist. Are there miss opportunities? Is anything unclear? Could changes to the content and design make it a better page? We hope this guide will help you improve those pages or planning for a resign. We’ll start with a visual of a B2B website service page that includes them all. b2b service page checklist Note: This checklist does not include so-call global elements such as website

Navigation and

b2b email list

Footers which appear on every page on your website. 1. Short and descriptive headline Those few words at the top of the page should pass the “backyard BBQ test.” Imagine you meet someone for  Buy Email List the first time at a party. They ask what you do. You respond with the words at the top of your service page. Now do they understand what you do? Or are they confus? Did you pass the test? Here are examples of headers that don’t pass the test: “We take excellence to new levels” “Transforming experiences one brand at a time”