Customers who hadn’t how products you sell can help fix various other problems in basements. This is what Instead did. Except rather than teaching homeowners how to get rid of something, the email is all about getting more of something – beautiful grass. Email campaign from Instead on lawn care tips Via Really Good Emails There are at least 15 types of email content drip campaigns you could create for various scenarios, including re-engagement, onboarding, promotions, education, courses, and training.

Take a look at your competitors

Reactivation campaigns Speaking of re-engagement, look at Peru Mobile Number List your email data and create a segment of subscribers who haven’t clicked on anything in six months or more. Send them a series of email marketing content that features your best posts from recent months, to show them what they’ve been missing. Some companies will list out the top five blog posts from the past month, for example. Or, share a special report subscribers may have missed. Email and B2C content that addresses customer concerns and objections is also an excellent way to combine these channels.

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Analyze how your competitors market

That’s what Headspace did in an email for customers Buy Email List who hadn’t been using the service – probably due to a perceived lack of time. (Subject line: Having trouble finding time to meditate?) B2C email from Headspace with content on meditation Via Really Good Emails 5. Content for subscriber segments If you’re segmenting your email list, you can handpick content for those groups of subscribers, which makes campaigns much more relevant and meaningful. Airbnb does a great job sending personalized content recommendations to travelers after they find a place to stay.