You’re conducting research, you learn the customer uses powerful customer service software you haven’t been taking advantage of. This information should arm you with the opportunity to outperform your competitors’ processes. To figure out which software your competitors’ use, type the company’s URL into Built With, an effective tool for unveiling what technology your competitors’ site runs on, along with third-party plugins ranging from analytics systems to CRMs. Alternatively, you might consider looking at competitors’ job listings, particularly for engineer or web developer roles. The job listing will likely mention which tools a candidate needs to be familiar with — a creative way to gain intel into the technology your competitors’ use.

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Use YouTube description templates. YouTube video description Poland Mobile Number List templates to help your business provide context to your viewers, rank better in search, organize your team, and link to relevant web pages on your site. HubSpot’s 7 YouTube Video Description Templates Download These Templates for Free 2. Explain your content. To explore the best tactics for writing YouTube descriptions, I spoke with Eric Peters, a Senior Growth Product Manager on HubSpot’s Academy team. He said, “[YouTube descriptions] are one of the primary ways YouTube knows what your video is about. Include links, additional resources, links to other videos and playlists, etc.

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Make sure the description box is easy to read.” Peters Buy Email List explained that your YouTube video description and closed captioning should incorporate keywords into your description. It also helps with accessibility for people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Hence, adding closed captioning to your videos is an absolute must for accessibility. For instance, take a look at one of HubSpot Marketing’s YouTube video descriptions: youtube video description example: hubspot A YouTube description differs from a web page meta description. In a YouTube description, content creators explain what your entire video is about and even link to external resources. Peters told me, “You get 5,000 characters total, so make use of it.