redirect 100 people to the sales page again then see the statistics (CTR and conversion) compare the results and choose the sales page with better results. 4. this is boring and boring. But if you think about the very first car ever built and compare it to today’s cars, the differences are significant. , but with small changes it can be polished to almost perfect over time. It is worth making changes a little at a time also because you know which changes will bring results. Sometimes the changes bring no results at all, and sometimes the results weaken.

The first version is not perfect

These are also important learnings and it is much easier to go back one step than to new database think about which of the 17 changes caused the results to deteriorate. How you succeed: test one or at most two things at a time document the changes and results in e.g. Excel take the time spent on the sales page as a new statistic (Google Analytics) and investigate whether there are any tips on where people leave the sales page you can also take advantage of programs like Crazyegg or Hotjar . 5. Be satisfied with the results On average, the conversion is 2%, which means that 2 out of 100 people buy a course or service. going to raise it by 5%, but there’s nothing stopping you from improving it even higher. However, it’s important to remember that conversion improvement can be a never-ending quagmire.

In Content Academy, we’re

So remember to stop sometimes and be satisfied with what you have already reached. A 5% conversion is an excellent achievement and you will already do much Buy Email List  more business with it than a 2% conversion. How you succeed: So stop for a moment, enjoy easier trading and save money for future advertising campaigns A 5% conversion is very good and you can then focus on driving more people to your sales page. Thus! Now you know how to write a sales page that will definitely bring in sales. What tip will you take on next? 17 elements Register statement and data protection Psst… Pin this post to Pinterest How to write a sales page that will definitely bring in business? 5 unnecessary mistakes on the sales page (and how to fix them quickly) For making online courses / e-books | 0 Comments | Tiia Konttinen In this post, I will tell you 5 unnecessary mistakes on the sales page and quick tips on how to fix them quickly.