His novelty will appeal to people who need a solution similar. To the data views we know from Universal Analytics. In GA version. You can create sub-services. Manage access for each of them. In each of the sub-services, you can set up separate filters. Data by region data by product series data by brands. This means that you can set up a sub-service that filters out traffic, events and users who were only interested in a given brand of products.

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You will learn how to do it step by step below. How can you implement GA with e-commerce yourself using GTM Below we present you the -step implementation of GA Step How to set up a new service. Where to find the data stream. How to go through the basic configuration. Of the service. Answers and tips with screenshots from the GA tool can whatsapp mobile number list be found here. Step This step is an absolute must-have for online stores. See how to exclude referrals and payment gateways in GA. How to update data layers to the new guidelines. How to set up “listening” for events and parameters triggered in the data layer How to transfer events and parameters to the GA account using GTM? Find answers to these questions here.

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Step Is it possible to collect events for lead campaigns in GA. Is it possible to set the same eventsgoals as in Universal Analytics? How to set the collection in GA of such events as clicks on telephone numbers. Sent forms, subscriptions to the newsletter. Check out the post on our blog. Step How to set User ID in GA? What other data is worth collecting. What Buy Email List other. Look here. Step How to use ready-made reports available in GA .Universal Analytics didn’t offer such possibilities.