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You can apply for compensation for discrimination if the refusal to answer a question in the prohibit area is the reason for rejection of the candidature. To sum up, there are several areas that should not be discuss during an interview, although there are exceptions to some of them (e.g. the question of a clean criminal record). In order not to expose yourself to unnecessary accusations, slander and financial penalties, it is better to get the right knowlge beforehand or to entrust recruitment to experienc, professional recruiters.  to focus on questions about the candidate’s ucation and experience.What is hybrid work.

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Advantages and disadvantages of a mix working model In fact, hybrid work South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Email List appear in March 2020, when due to the lockdowns relat to COVID-19, companies had to limit stationary work at their headquarters.  us for good. Many companies still focus on hybrid and even completely remote work at home (home office). We check what exactly the hybrid work model is and what are the advantages and disadvantages of this form of employment. Soft skills in remote work – building relationships and organizing work 4.8 starstastar (23 reviews) Learn how to prepare and organize remote work for yourself and your team.

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This is currently the best employment

Take care of proper communication, work-life balance and Buy Email List healthy relationships in the company. Find out more What is hybrid work? As you can easily guess, hybrid work is a combination of stationary and remote work. According to employers, model. Especially that this system can take any form and be modifi on an ongoing basis, being adapt to the nes and requirements of the company. That is why it happens that companies create entire teams that work only stationary or, on the contrary, only remotely, with rotation every few days. Other times, it is up to the employee to decide where he wants to work.

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